Outerbass Records
Fearless artists who take matters into their own hands, and invent new electronic dance music genres
Outerbass Records, non-profit organization, was founded in January 2015, mainly to give EDM producers who don't believe in 'genre'-lisation or conformity, a platform through which to expose their unusual, unique or experimental Dance music styles. And somewhere they could express themselves musically, verbally, or any other 'ally', no matter how eccentric or wacky the outside world viewed them, without feeling judged or insane.
In fact, at Outerbass, we have been known for taking in one or two lunatics in the past.. with no regrets.
Everything we do is for fun and for the love of the music, but we can be serious too, at times. We even have grown-up contracts to prove it. So if you'd like to get more insight into our set-up, feel free to sign up for site-membership at the top right corner, and have a browse through our members' page.
The plans for the coming year are :
to release several compilation albums featuring Dance Music, Dub, Ambient and Ethnotronic vibes from artists as far and wide as The Philippines and The Balkans to the U.S. and Canada, and right here in the U.K.
We also plan a bootleg album, as we have just too many quality, and highly illegal, remixes that need releasing, like this badass tune you're listening to:
I Am A God L.I.F.E. (Love Is Fighting Edit) by Love Is Fighting.
There will also be several conventional albums and EP's released by, among others, Mediacvlt, Jet Coquin, Cockroach and myself, Twisted Yogi
You wouldn't have said to Van Gogh about his self-portrait : "Yeah, it's not bad, but can you loose the bandage!".
Likewise, at Outerbass, we'll always allow our artists to express themselves wholeheartedly; in fact we insist that they do, with no interference from us regarding the content of their music. Any form of art is subjective. So even though we might not like a particular track, we would rather not release it, then tell the artist how to do their job. Furthermore, just because a track doesn't sell, doesn't necessarily mean it's not good. It might just be ahead of it's time, like ol' Vincent. Technical advice, on the other hand, is always available if our artists ask for it.
"The music you'll find on Outerbass will often not belong to one specific genre, but rather several mixed together, in a blender like a refreshing lassi...with a little dash of tequila or vodka, or whatever your favorite guilty pleasure happens to be." AGF