Outerbass Records

Jet Coquin
Nantes, France
Jet Coquin is somewhat of an enigma. It's hard to fathom that someone so young can produce music with such maturity and sophistication, on par with that of a seasoned veteren. This is most evident in his debut album Gris, which, if it were a fable, would be one told by a wise, ancient-old sage who'd spent his whole life walking around the world, then finally stops to tell his tales of love, euphoria, psychonautical adventures, and sorrow.
Jet Coquin is what you'd call, in mystical terms, an old soul in a young shell. It's hard to say at this stage which of his many productions will be his Outerbass debut, but which ever one we decide on, it's a certainty to please fans of pure Intelligent Dance Music. Watch this space!
Self Releases:

1. A.L.U 03:45
2. astronaute 04:42
3. D.I.E ( the black widow kills ) 04:00
4. JFK 03:28
5. X.T 02:57
1.1886 04:46
2. black vibes 05:32
3.citylife 04:20
4.ghost 04:09
5.gris 05:06
6.hell on mind 04:25
7.insomnia 04:18
8.la veuve blue 03:13
9.Mephisto 04:53
10.minimalism 04:52
11.nocturne 04:34
12.the key 04:53
3.Vibes 04:40